Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Not Quite Cut Out For This...

I'm really pretty terrible at keeping up with this whole blog thing...I'm not going to quit or anything of course so don't fret, but apparentally I just need someone to constantly be pushing me to work on this and also just reminding me that I do in fact have a blog or else I'll keep being a lazy bum and never do anything ever again- sad, I know. But here I am! Posting again! I've had these pictures laying around for about a month now, kinda kept putting it off, but since I don't actually have anything to do this summer I may as well be more responsible with this old thing. These are from when I went to this fantastic antique shop in Paris (*sigh* Kentucky...) the same place where I discovered my wonderful prom dress.

Seriously awesome military jacket

This shirt is very basically my life philosophy:)

ostrich feathers!

I have a weird love of vintage hat boxes...
 So that was my adventure that happened about a month ago. I had on high waisted shorts and my favourite t-shirt from ModCloth. I swear this time, I will be better about posting! And this is for Corinne, one of the most fantastic friends a girl could ask for, and who is always pestering me about posting to this thing for which I am extremely thankful:)

Told you I wouldn't forget;)


  1. Have you tried Pinterest? It's seriously the tool my visual mind has been waiting for my entire life! I love it that I can just link photos with a little note (or not).

    For photos I take myself, I use instagram. Easy to make little notes of things I see that way. (although I know others prefer twitter)

  2. I totally get how you feel! I think it's difficult to keep thinking of interesting topics when you're not sure anyone is even reading...! I've only just started but already I just feel like I'm talking to myself with no subscribers! If you fancy taking a look a mine it's

    Any feedback will be much appreciated :) x

  3. Brenna, aren't you on facebook like a normal person?! I've been looking for you :-)
